Man's Weak Covenants
The Stability Of God's Eternal Covenant

Man’s statutory pseudo covenants are broken by verbal denouncement and actions showing distrust of any individual party to the agreement. God’s covenant is not so. Because of Jesus man cannot separate himself from the covenant, or the Love of God, and it will never become null and void. Genesis 1:1 shows God's eternal covenant was established before He formed man. Man may refuse to acknowledge the covenant provision by choice, but God’s eternal forgiveness keeps the covenant door open wide making man’s redemption possible. God's covenant is composed of “mutual” partners and the covenant is everlasting. Even if one does not accept the covenant, it remains perpetually available and active by mutual agreement between the Father and His Son, Jesus. If God's eternal covenant were not alive and well man would evaporate into the never existed nothingness, nor could man have been formed. In the eBook the concept of "old" and "new" covenant is discussed in depth.

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